Manga  > Series: G  > Ghost In The Shell

Ghost In The Shell

Ghost In The Shell back

Masamune Shirow


Page 45 Review by Stephen

Kodansha, the Japanese corporation that owns so many of your favourite manga properties (AKIRA etc.), are slowly reclaiming their titles for American distribution themselves and here produce a much larger book to showcase Shirow's art. Quite right too: I've no idea what possessed Dark Horse to use their relatively pocket-sized format. Unfathomably, however, they've elected to edit back out what Dark Horse reinserted: the sexy bits. Why would Kodansha do that when they were the first to publish them in Japan and Dark Horse have since proved that there are no legal problems with popping them on American (and UK) shelves? I have no idea. So you pays your money and you makes yer choice: small sexy bits (courtesy of Titan UK; Dark Horse's version is out of print) or large lovely bits.
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